EERI Learning From Earthquakes Endowment Fund Campaign
The Learning From Earthquakes Program has been extraordinarily impactful over a number of decades. However, this has not been without challenges such as reduction in federal funding, growing competition for funding sources and ever expanding program needs. As a response in 2019, EERI launched a $4 Million Learning From Earthquakes Endowment Campaign.
By having a fully funded endowment, LFE can respond to earthquakes more quickly, comprehensively, consistently, and with certainty into the future. With this complete permanent endowment EERI will be able to:
- Quickly decide to deploy reconnaissance teams, both after major earthquakes to observe ephemeral damage, and over the recovery time period for topic-focused longitudinal studies.
- Expand opportunities for early career members, such as the travel study program, virtual reconnaissance work, and skill development workshops.
- Conduct regular reconnaissance exercises for improved response and coordination amongst many reconnaissance partners.
- Allow the LFE Committee to reliably budget for LFE activities, that evolve the program and benefit EERI members
- Accelerate the work of new LFE Reconnaissance Advisory Subcommittees and increase the topics covered.
- Increase staffing support levels to better advance and support volunteers leading all ongoing EERI LFE activities.
In 2023, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of LFE, EERI seeks to complete this landmark campaign, but that isn't possible without your support.
How to Contribute
- If you would like to make your pledge to the LFE Endowment Fund and submit your first payment online by credit card, please use the online form here. To make your pledge with payment on a future date, or for additional payment methods, please download and complete the Pledge Form and email it to or mail it to the EERI office.
- Make a testamentary gift and include EERI in your estate planning. Please download and complete the Testamentary Gift Intention Form and email it to or mail it to the EERI office. For more information, contact Membership and Donor Manager, Devon Clayton at
- Encourage your company to consider an Organizational Matching Grant: Talk to David Friedman or Heidi Tremayne if your firm may be interested.
Campaign Progress
Please help us add to this momentum by considering your own gift today. See the list of donors who have pledged their support for the LFE Endowment:
Cash Donation Levels
Category |
5-year Total
Elite Sustainer* | $50,000+ | $250,000+ |
Sustainer* | $20,000+ | $100,000+ |
Underwriter* | $5,000+ | $25,000+ |
Partner* | $2,500+ | $12,500+ |
Supporter | $1,000+ | $5,000+ |
Friend |
<$1,000 |
<$5,000 |
*Donors over $12,500 will be added to the LFE Benefactor's Circle
All early donors who made a cash pledge prior to July 2019 were given the distinction of "LFE Endowment Founding Benefactor."
Why LFE?
LFE is EERI's hallmark earthquake reconnaissance program and has many advantages:
1. Longevity & Permanence | 4. Respected Publications | 7. Enthusiastic Committees |
2. Proven Impact | 5. Experienced Coordinator | 8. Vast group of Experts |
3. Multidisciplinary approach | 6. Established Network | 9. Cohort of Young Members |
10. Passionate members willing to donate |
If you would like to learn more about why this campaign was launched, LFE impacts over the last 70 years, and how EERI plays a unique role on the earthquake reconnaissance landscape, read the full case statement, or contact Fundraising Committee Chair David Friedman or Executive Director Heidi Tremayne for more information.